On today’s episode of The Barbell Life Podcast I discuss the topic, “Does getting Stronger Make an Athlete Faster?” As always, the answer is ‘it depends’. You will need the program that I will be discussing:
⇒ Program Changes Based on Testing
Check out the podcast at:
Video On YouTube: https://youtu.be/U9K4fmNOfi8
Audible Only on Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/ep-414-does-getting-stronger-make-an-athlete-faster–63289173
First, we discuss the tests necessary to decide what kind of strength program is best suited for an athlete:
- Dynamic Strength Index click the link for the article on GymAware.
- Reactive Strength Index click the link for the article on GymAware.
- Timing Gates from Swift Performance(click on the link to check out Swift Performance) test a 40yd dash looking at:
- 10yd
- Flying 30yd
- ShredMill (click on the link to check out ShredMill):
- Acceleration
- Transition
- Max Velocity
Enjoy the show, and I hope this clears up the long debated topic. This is the last week to take advantage of the MashJacked Holiday Specials:
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