Below is a short blog that I wrote over a year ago. I was still coaching at Team MDUSA, and Holley Mangold made her first visit. She was full of inspiring and colorful stories. This is just one of them. Holley is a person that I can’t be around without smiling. I am definitely a Holley Fan!
Before we get started here are a few cool announcements:
Oct 16-17 the last Underground Strength and Learn 2 Lift Dual Cert takes place with me and Zach Even-Esh in North Carolina
Nov. 7 & 8th I will be running two hour workshops and training sessions afterwards at Undisputed Strength and Conditioning in Eagan, MN
Nov 14th I am teaming up with Malcolm Moses-Hampton for a two hour workshop and training session at the Mash Compound
For more information on any of these seminars and workshops, click on the link: >>>>Mash Mafia Seminars<<<<<<
On Oct. 24th come and support the Mash Mafia Weightlifting Team at the Last Chance Qualifier. For more information, click on the link: >>>>Mash Mafia Weightlifting Last Chance AO Qualifier<<<<
Last week, I had the honor of spending several days coaching and hanging out with Olympian Holley Mangold. I will say right now that she is simply a joy to be around. My stomach is still sore from laughing at her stories. However, there is so much more than stories and good times to be learned from this lady. There is an amazing Olympic tale of perseverance, and a story of young woman not conforming to society. Holley Mangold is the true Black Sheep.
Holley was in the best shape of her life going into the 2012 Olympic Games in London, England. Unfortunately a short time before the Olympics, she broke her wrist. Now most people would have dropped out, but Holley is the definition of Olympian. She was able to use pain management and supportive braces to push through. Not only did she compete, but she performed at her high standard representing the USA with all that she had.
The story was so inspiring the President of the United States and the First Lady watched her compete. I have heard of a lot of weightlifters doing awesome things, but I have never heard of something so awesome that the very President of the United States looked on. The Olympics are all about an athlete’s willingness to push past human limits. Holley is a Gold Medalist in my book! What she did is a true Olympic moment!
In the sport of weightlifting, there is so much to be learned for the game of life. Everyone goes into the sport wanting to win competitions, qualify for Nationals, win Nationals, and/or go to the Olympics, but there is so much more. You find out about yourself! You learn how willing you are to push through pain. You learn how dedicated you are to training. You learn how organized you are with showing up on time to training. You find out how disciplined you are with doing the little things like nutrition, rest, mobility, and recovery. And yes, you learn how competitive that you are while on the platform.
This is true Barbell Life! This is listening to the Barbell! If you are just training, then you are missing the point! Embrace the lifestyle and the lessons that the unforgiving Barbell will teach you on a daily basis. This is the hope that I have for my athletes. I pray that they are listening to the Barbell every day.
Lessons from the Barbell:
• Discipline
• Pain tolerance
• Dedication
• Time management
• Competitiveness
• Perseverance
• Aggressiveness
• Risk Taking
• Focus
• Commitment
Embrace it! Learn from the Barbell! Love your team! Don’t just lift weights guys and gals! The barbell has taught me all about myself, and it has given me a family of brothers and sisters that spans the oceans of this world. I am forever thankful that God put that first piece of cold steel in my hand that is the Barbell.
To find out more about the Mash Mafia Online Team, click on this link:
To learn more about the ways to lose body fat and get in the best shape of your life, click on the link: