In this episode of The Barbell Life Podcast brought to you by our friends at Dynamic Fitness and Strength, we talk to one of the most inspiring guests in the history of our show. Coach Sam Schaefer is a former athlete of the original online team. While in the military, he experienced an injury that led to 9-years of chronic pain.
You will learn to thrive under any and all circumstances. You will learn what it’s like to make the decision to voluntarily have your leg amputated. Most importantly, you will learn what it’s like to come out the other end more whole than before going under the knife.
Also in this episode:
- How to endure 9 years of chronic pain at a 6-7 level minimum
- What it’s like to go from Special Forces to constant pain
- He had to be OK with the possibility that nothing would ever be the same
- What it’s like to have a totally supportive wife in a relationship most of you will only dream of
- The plan is that if he wants it, he’s going after it.
- How he plans on Competing at the Arnold in Highland’s Games
- Learn about the best weightlifting cue I have heard in years, “Drive knees into ankles”
- Learn to never stop moving forwards in life.
- He is going full blast until his clock stops
- Check him out on Instagram @Samschaefer1 and @Schaeferadaptivemethods
- And more!