Today we talked to someone that has been a true pioneer for the cause of strength and conditioning. His mentors led him down a road of pure greatness. Whether in the high school, collegiate, professional, or private sector, you will learn a lot today.
Listen in as we discuss:
- Being a part of the system that trimmed recovery times from 24 months to 12 months recovery from Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
- Open Chain Exercises to Closed Chain for recovery
- What was it like having Jon Cole as his first Coach(1970’s):
- His first strength coach, January 1982, Indiana University (Coach Bell Montgomery, Strength Coach), one of the first full-time strength coaches.
- Mexico Highlands University- Todor Bompa periodization and Zatsiorsky
- Experience teaching at a 2A school in Texas and started implementing: Jody Vaughn 1995-1998 wife of Olympian Chad Vaughn
- Lessons learned from Ursula Garza Papandrea
- His Program: Max Effort, Dynamic, and Volume
- Uses pauses to strengthen and to work on technique.
- Sets and Reps Max Effort- Wendler’s 5-3-1
- Sets and Reps Dynamic
- Sets and Reps Volume
- Tests at the beginning of the first semester and right before
- Now works on ankle and T-Spine Mobility
- The intent is everything with timing systems and velocity based training
- “Every coach is a thief.”
- Has to modify for 40-60 kids a class
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